Together for Darfur

This wikicity will be the meeting point of all people interested in solving the situation in Darfur.

As for now the main language is English + several posts in Slovene.

Please, read my open letter to the world people.

Dr. Janez Drnovsek, President of Slovenia



situacija v Darfurju se dramatično slabša. V Darfurju in okolici je že več kot tri in pol milijona pomoči potrebnih. V Sloveniji smo si skupaj z našimi humanitarnimi (dobrodelnimi) organizacijami začrtali cilj, da oskrbimo tiste, ki so pomoči najbolj potrebni, z vodo, hrano, zdravili, medicinskim osebjem, šolanjem otrok, psihosocialno pomočjo. Prebuditi moramo svet, zbuditi njegovo vest. Spomnimo se, kako smo bili vsi pripravljeni pomagati ob lanskoletnem katastrofalnem cunamiju. Razsežnosti katastrofe v Darfurju pa utegnejo biti še večje. Čas je za akcijo. Nehajmo nemo in apatično opazovati, kako umirajo otroci in številni nedolžni ljudje, ki želijo le − kot mi − mirno živeti na tem svetu.

Zato vas prosim, da pomagate še danes. Jutri bo prepozno. Pridružite se skupni slovenski akciji za pomoč. Verjamem, da bomo z vseslovensko akcijo rešili tisoče, morda milijone ljudi.

Skupaj bomo zmogli. Hvala.

dr. Janez Drnovšek


Dear World citizens,

the situation in Darfur is dramatically worsening. In Darfur and its surrounding are already more than three and a half million people in need of help. In Slovenia we have set a goal together with our humanitarian organizations to provide those who need help the most with water, food, medicine, medicine staff, schooling of children and psichosocial help.

We need to wake up the World and wake up its consciousness. Let us remember the consequences of the catastrophic tsunami last year. The consequences of the situation in Darfur could be even bigger.

It is time for action! We cannot observe anymore children and innocent people dying. They only want to live in peace in this World.

This is why I am asking you to help TODAY. Tomorrow will be too late. Together we can save millions of people

Together we will make it. Thank you.

dr. Janez Drnovšek President of Slovenia


Join us on the internet, as a group at [1]. In order to save the situation in darfur, we need to exactly set our goal, find what is the true reality in Darfur and take action.

The project management is done on the site [2] and anyone can join us with username: anyone and password: anyone. Then request for your own account.

We invite ALL the agencies, institutions, organizations that have the information or do any type of action to connect in a joint project.

Take a look:

Darfur 2100

Darfur 2012

Darfur 2008

Darfur 2007

Darfur NOW

Darfur challenges

Darfur solutions

Darfur action

Darfur evaluation

Darfur publish

Darfur list of organizations
